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231: パスワードを破った?(9)  232: メールボックス容量オーバー警告 Mail quota warning(1)  233: 設定方法(1)  234: アウトルック2019の設定が出来ません(1)  235: 設定ができない(1)  236: 証明書を要求される(1) 237: iphone XSMAXにsky.117.cxのメールがに設定できない(1) 238: プロバイダーを変えたので(2) 239: ご利用のメールボックスは、現在90%以上いっぱいです。}(1) 240: 無料のフリーメールについて(4) 241: yahooメールで(2) 242: パスワードに使用できる文字列(2) 243: メールの送信が出来ません(1) 244: マイクロソフトエッジのメール設定について(1) 245: サーバーの証明書(2) 246: 送信できない(1) 247: メールが送信できません(4) 248: Outlook2016について(1) 249: outlook2016 での設定方法について(1) 250: 送信できました(1) 251: 送信できました(1) 252: 削除(1) 253: iphoneで送信できない(4) 254: メールの受信量がやたらとすくないのですが(1) 255: 送信できるが受信できない(3) 

231: パスワードを破った?
Name: Sotoko
Date: 11/01 11:33

From - Thu Nov 1 09:35:48 2018
X-Account-Key: account5
X-UIDL: 1540720759.95836.msv3.zenno.net,S=3530
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
Return-Path: <●●●@hyper.cx>
Delivered-To: ●●●@hyper.cx
Received: (qmail 95831 invoked from network); 28 Oct 2018 18:59:19 +0900
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by msv3.zenno.net with SMTP; 28 Oct 2018 18:59:19 +0900
Received: from mgw2.zenno.net (localhost [])
by mgw2.zenno.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 09FF63ACAF
for <●●●@hyper.cx>; Sun, 28 Oct 2018 18:59:19 +0900 (JST)
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Sun, 28 Oct 2018 18:59:18 +0900 (JST)
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for <●●●@hyper.cx>; Sun, 28 Oct 2018 18:59:02 +0900 (JST)
Message-ID: <666643197889960864677370@hyper.cx>
From: <●●●@hyper.cx>
To: <●●●@hyper.cx>
Subject: ●●●@hyper.cx is compromised. Password must be changed
Date: 28 Oct 2018 12:41:54 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain;
Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
X-Mailer: Ktjysg xccngtl


I'm a programmer who cracked your email account and device about half year ago.
You entered a password on one of the insecure site you visited, and I catched it.

Of course you can will change your password, or already made it.
But it doesn't matter, my rat software update it every time.

Please don't try to contact me or find me, it is impossible, since I sent you an email from your email account.

Through your e-mail, I uploaded malicious code to your Operation System.
I saved all of your contacts with friends, colleagues, relatives and a complete history of visits to the Internet resources.
Also I installed a rat software on your device and long tome spying for you.

You are not my only victim, I usually lock devices and ask for a ransom.
But I was struck by the sites of intimate content that you very often visit.

I am in shock of your reach fantasies! Wow! I've never seen anything like this!
I did not even know that SUCH content could be so exciting!

So, when you had fun on intime sites (you know what I mean!)
I made screenshot with using my program from your camera of yours device.
After that, I jointed them to the content of the currently viewed site.

Will be funny when I send these photos to your contacts! And if your relatives see it?
BUT I'm sure you don't want it. I definitely would not want to ...

I will not do this if you pay me a little amount.
I think $817 is a nice price for it!

I accept only Bitcoins.
My BTC wallet: 17XHRucfd4kx3W5ty7ySLGiKHqmPUUdpus

If you have difficulty with this - Ask Google "how to make a payment on a bitcoin wallet". It's easy.
After receiving the above amount, all your data will be immediately removed automatically.
My virus will also will be destroy itself from your operating system.

My Trojan have auto alert, after this email is looked, I will be know it!

You have 2 days (48 hours) for make a payment.
If this does not happen - all your contacts will get crazy shots with your dirty life!
And so that you do not obstruct me, your device will be locked (also after 48 hours)

Do not take this frivolously! This is the last warning!
Various security services or antiviruses won't help you for sure (I have already collected all your data).

Here are the recommendations of a professional:
Antiviruses do not help against modern malicious code. Just do not enter your passwords on unsafe sites!

I hope you will be prudent.

    [14574] Re:パスワードを破った?
    Name: 善野
    Date: 11/01 12:14


    [14576] Re[2]:パスワードを破った?
    Name: Sotoko
    Date: 11/04 03:58

    [14620] Re[3]:パスワードを破った?
    Name: やすお
    Date: 04/12 14:26

    [14621] Re[4]:パスワードを破った?
    Name: やすお
    Date: 04/13 00:14

    From: <●●●@hyper.cx>
    To: "▲▲▲(パスワード記載)" <●●●@hyper.cx>
    Date: 24 Jan 2019 16:33:16 +0800
    Subject: Security Notice. Someone have access to you system.

    I'll begin with the most important.

    I hacked your device and then got access to all your accounts... Including ●●●@hyper.cx.
    It is easy to check - I wrote you this email from your account.
    Also I have an old password for the hacking day: ▲▲▲(パスワード記載)

    Moreover, I know your intim secret, and I have proof of this.
    You do not know me personally, and no one paid me to check you.

    It is just a coincidence that I discovered your mistake.
    In fact, I posted a malicious code (exploit) to an adult site, and you visited this site...

    While watching a video Trojan virus has been installed on your device through an exploit.
    This darknet software working as RDP (remote-controlled desktop), which has a keylogger,
    which gave me access to your microphone and webcam.
    Soon after, my software received all your contacts from your messenger, social network and email.

    At that moment I spent much more time than I should have.
    I studied your love life and created a good video series.
    The first part shows the video that you watched,
    and the second part shows the video clip taken from your webcam (you are doing inappropriate things).

    Honestly, I want to forget all the information about you and allow you to continue your daily life.
    And I will give you two suitable options. Both are easy to do.
    First option: you ignore this email.
    The second option: you pay me $700(USD).

    Let's look at 2 options in detail.

    The first option is to ignore this email.
    Let me tell you what happens if you choose this path.
    I will send your video to your contacts, including family members, colleagues, etc.
    This does not protect you from the humiliation that you and
    your family need to know when friends and family members know about your unpleasant details.

    The second option is to pay me. We will call this "privacy advice."
    Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path.
    Your secret is your secret. I immediately destroy the video.
    You continue your life as if none of this has happened.

    Now you might think: "I'll call to police!"
    Undoubtedly, I have taken steps to ensure that this letter cannot be traced to me,
    and it will not remain aloof from the evidence of the destruction of your daily life.
    I don't want to steal all your savings.
    I just want to get compensation for my efforts that I put in to investigate you.
    Let us hope that you decide to create all this in full and pay me a fee for confidentiality.
    You make a Bitcoin payment (if you don't know how to do it, just enter "how to buy bitcoins" in Google search)

    Shipping amount: $700(USD).
    Getting Bitcoin Addresses: 1FVuyuSN41aa3JN9sn8qkuD2PmaMEMHHnc
    (This is sensitive, so copy and paste it carefully)

    Don't tell anyone what to use bitcoins for. The procedure for obtaining bitcoins can take several days, so do not wait.

    I have a spetial code in Trojan, and now I know that you have read this letter.
    You have 48 hours to pay.
    If I don't get BitCoins, I'll send your video to your contacts, including close relatives, co-workers, and so on.
    Start looking for the best excuse for friends and family before they all know.
    But if I get paid, I immediately delete the video.

    This is a one-time offer that is non-negotiable, so do not waste my and your time.
    Time is running out.


    [14622] Re[5]:パスワードを破った?
    Name: やすお
    Date: 04/13 00:17

    From: <●●●@hyper.cx>
    To: <●●●@hyper.cx>
    Date: 8 Mar 2019 19:32:56 +0000
    Subject:Security Alert. Your account was compromissed. Password must be changed.

    Hi, your account has been infected! Renew the password this time!

    You do not know anything about me and you may be probably surprised for what reason you're reading this particular letter, proper?

    I'm hacker who exploitedyour emailand all devicesnot so long ago.
    Never try out to msg me or alternatively seek for me, it's impossible,
    because I forwarded you this message using YOUR hacked account.

    I've installed special program on the adult videos (porno) site
    and guess that you visited this site to have fun (you understand what I mean).

    While you have been keeping an eye on video clips,
    your internet browser started out to act like a RDP (Remote Control)
    having a keylogger that provided me access to your screen and network camera.

    Then, my softobtainedall information.
    You have typed passcodes on the online resources you visited, I caught them.
    Surely, you are able change each of them, or have already modified them.
    However it doesn't matter, my program renews needed data regularly.

    What actually I have done?
    I generated a reserve copy of every your system. Of all the files and each contact.
    I formed a dual-screen videofile.
    The first part displays the film that you were watching (you have got an interesting preferences, ahahhh...),
    and the second screen displays the recording from your own camera.

    What exactly should you do?
    Clearly, I think, $706(USD) will be a fair price for our small riddle.
    You will make the deposit by bitcoins
    (if you do not understand this, go searching "how to purchase bitcoin" in any search engine).

    My bitcoin wallet address: 12s4cfoNTzT68gSdxLjmSRT3qdvaqwDWNz
    (It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it).

    You will have 2 days in order to make the payment.
    (I have an unique pixel in this letter, and at the moment I understand that you've read through this email).

    To tracethe reading of a messageand the actionsin it, I utilizea Facebook pixel.

    Thanks to them. (That whichis usedfor the authorities may helpus.)

    In case I fail to get bitcoins,
    I shall undoubtedly send your video files to each of your contacts, along with relatives, co-workers, etc?

    [14623] Re[6]:パスワードを破った?
    Name: やすお
    Date: 04/22 12:57

    Return-Path: <●●@hyper.cx>
    Delivered-To: ●●@hyper.cx
    Received: (qmail 6414 invoked from network); 21 Apr 2019 23:18:38 +0900
    Received: from unknown (HELO mgw2.zenno.net) ( by msv3.zenno.net with SMTP; 21 Apr 2019 23:18:38 +0900
    Received: from mgw2.zenno.net (localhost []) by mgw2.zenno.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 354E23ACB2 for <●●@hyper.cx>; Sun, 21 Apr 2019 23:18:38 +0900 (JST)
    Received: from mgw2.zenno.net ([]) by mgw2.zenno.net (mgw2.zenno.net []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id Hz2IXbvAPZEu for <●●@hyper.cx>; Sun, 21 Apr 2019 23:18:38 +0900 (JST)
    Received: from customer-mred-97.static.metrored.net.mx (unknown []) by mgw2.zenno.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1FEC43ACA2 for <●●@hyper.cx>; Sun, 21 Apr 2019 23:18:25 +0900 (JST)
    X-Envelope: S25R_match
    Message-ID: <988607374811721264093340@●●.cx>
    From: <●●@hyper.cx>
    To: <●●@hyper.cx>
    Subject: ●●@hyper.cx ハッキングされています! すぐにパスワードを変更してください!
    Date: 21 Apr 2019 02:58:23 -0600
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="---3935A2FD11AE6A4E42D58A66D91D3935"
    X-Mailer: Khfydi umdryi


    2018年6月28日 - この日、私はあなたのオペレーティングシステムをハッキングし、あなたのアカウント(●●@hyper.cx)にフルアクセスできました。



    しかし、私はあなたが定期的に訪れるサイトを見ました, そしてあなたのお気に入りのリソースから大きなショックを受けました。

    私は言う - あなたは大きな変態です。 無限のファンタジー!

    私はあなたが楽しんでいる親密なウェブサイトのスクリーンショットを作った (私はあなたの喜びについて話しています、あなたは理解していますか?).
    その後、私はあなたの喜びの写真を作った (あなたのデバイスのカメラを使って). すべてが素晴らしくなった!


    私のBTCウォレット: 1DAqDrtZ1XzwKtXPMHf41WXv6QT62uttxK

    どの検索エンジンでも、「btc walletにお金を送る方法」と書いてください。


    私はあなたから指定された金額を受け取っていない場合、あなたのデバイスはブロックされ、あなたのすべての連絡先は、あなたの "喜び"と写真を受信します。

    - 私のウイルスを見つけて破壊しようとしないでください! (すべてのデータはすでにリモートサーバーにアップロードされています) - 私に連絡しようとしないでください(これは実現可能ではありません、私はあなたのアカウントからメールを送りました)
    - 様々なセキュリティサービスはあなたを助けません。 あなたのデータは既にリモートサーバー上にあるので、ディスクのフォーマットやデバイスの破壊は役に立ちません。

    P.S. 私は支払い後にあなたに再び邪魔をしないことを保証します。



    [14624] Re[7]:パスワードを破った?
    Name: 善野
    Date: 04/23 15:46


    [14628] Re[8]:パスワードを破った?
    Name: はむはむ
    Date: 05/13 01:17

232: メールボックス容量オーバー警告 Mail quota warning
Name: hoshi
Date: 04/30 14:01


///// 以下引用 /////

*** このメールはメールサーバーが自動的に送信しています。 ***


Your mailbox on the server is now more than 90% full. So that you can continue to receive mail you need to remove some messages from your mailbox.

///// 引用ここまで /////


OS: Mac 10.12.6
メーラー: Thunderbird 60.6.1

サーバー設定は、 『ダウンロード後もサーバーにメッセージを残す 』のチェックは外しておりますので、メールをダウンロード後は、サーバーには残さない設定になっている筈であると存じます。



233: 設定方法
Name: syosinsya
Date: 03/13 17:35
windows mailでの設定方法を教えてください。サーバー、詳細設定 特にサーバーのポート番号の設定です。宜しくお願いします。初心者にて専門用語はよくわかりませんのでお願いします。

234: アウトルック2019の設定が出来ません
Name: ちーこ
Date: 03/13 08:58




235: 設定ができない
Name: ちーこ
Date: 03/11 11:40



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